Issue :
Federation from Lync Hosting Packs (LHP) 2013 TenantsĀ to Lync Online is not working

Description :
When an End user from Lync Hosting Packs (LHP) 2013 TenantsĀ is not able to send messages to a Lync Online user who is in Open federation.
Issue exists vice versa.
Findings :
Root domain ( is able to send messages to Lync Online users and vice versa works without any issues.
LHP Tenants able to send messages to other Federate clients who are using Lync Onpremises version.
As there is a SRV mismatch for the Lync Hosting Packs (LHP) Tenants , Lync Online is not able to send messages to LHP tenant.
For Example :
Tenant1 SRV –
Service address :
Port : 5061
While Lync Online trying to communicate with an LHP tenantĀ ā Client Logs –
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;received=;ms-received-port=53992;ms-received-cid=52E2C00
ms-diagnostics: 1009;reason="No match for domain in DNS SRV results";domain="";fqdn1="";source=""
Server: RTC/6.0
Content-Length: 0
Solution :
Lync Online has to add us as a Hosting provider as we are using service provider version.
Provider Name: cloudCareExchange
Edge Service FQDN
Email Microsoft @ — ‘’
The process will take minimum of two weeks.
Good One. Glad to see that you finally found a solution for your strange problem. Thanks for sharing š
Looks like that email no longer works at Microsoft.
Contact Local Microsoft Office guys. Making them Understand is going to be a big deal.
I ended up contacting the Lync on-premises support team and Office365 support team. Basically the Lync on-premises said it IS a problem on Microsoft’s end and I had to open the Office365 ticket. However the Office365 team is basically saying they don’t support federating with the Lync 2013 Hosting Pack.
It looks like the two teams will talk with each other at least because the on-prem wanted to speak with the 365 team. However, I feel like Microsoft is trying to wipe their hands completely of the Hosting Pack even though it is technically still under “support”.
I also spoke with a company that was able to remove the Hosting Pack and install regular SFB by modifying a value in ADSI to get it to install (which I know is not supported). However after testing it appears they cannot communicate with Office365 either so some values left in AD are causing it still not to work properly.
I get headache thinking of hosting and multi tenancy nowadays.
It will Have many flaws. No doubt.
Hosting days are over. MS Exchange works decent in multi tenancy though we kill more features.