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Sunday, October 27, 2024

How to Customize RBAC Permissions for “HelpDesk” in Exchange 2010

Role Based Access Control is an Amazing feature in Exchange 2010 , where we can provide a set of permissions to a User and we can customize it widely

Am not going to Explain deep in RBAC , but we can learn how to customize the default role groups

My Default there are 11 Role Groups


One of an Best Example is assigning permission to use Discovery Search


By Default, Administrator is a member of Organization Management , where he gets all the permission .

But if we want to Remove some permission for Helpdesk Admins to do some task , We can customize it.

First Initially , We have to decide what all the permission we got to provide to the Help Desk admin

And what all permission permission we got to remove for the HelpDesk admin

Get-Managementrole will list all the Roles available


Lets say Help Desk Engineer Can Create Distribution Groups , Can Create Mailboxes ,Distribution Groups, They Can manage them

But they should not have permissions to remove them or Disable them

Go through the Management Roles listed , We can Find Mail Recipient Creation , Distribution Groups , Mail Recipients Role ,

To Know the ability of a role,  you Can run

Get-ManagementRole "Mail Recipient Creation" | fl Description 
Get-ManagementRole "Distribution Groups" | fl Description 
Get-ManagementRole "Mail Recipients" | fl Description 



Where We can assign these Management Roles to a Custom Role Group and assign to a Help Desk Engineer , But the problem is they will have the ability to Remove Mailboxes , Remove Distribution Groups as well

So we got to remove those abilities for them ,befor assigning to them

Now we have to find what alll Role Entries (Commands) we have to remove from them , To find what all the commands inside the Management role

You can run

Get-ManagementRoleEntry "Mail Recipient creation\*" | FT -Autosize 
Get-ManagementRoleEntry "Distribution Groups\*" | FT -Autosize 
Get-ManagementRoleEntry "Mail Recipients\*" | FT -Autosize 


So i Dont want to Touch the Default Roles , and which is not Recommended too

So first will Create a Copy of the roles and Remove the Commands from the the copy which i have created

New-ManagementRole -Parent "Mail Recipients" -Name "Copy of Mail Recipients"
New-ManagementRole -Parent "Mail Recipient Creation" -Name "Copy of Mail Recipient Creation"
New-ManagementRole -Parent "Distribution Groups" -Name "Copy of Distribution Groups"

Now I have a Copy of it Created


Going through the Commands , I found some Potentially risky commands like “Remove-Mailbox , Remove –Distribution Group” where we got to remove from them

Get-ManagementRoleEntry "Copy of Mail Recipient creation\*" | FT -Autosize 
Get-ManagementRoleEntry "Copy of Distribution Groups\*" | FT -Autosize 
Get-ManagementRoleEntry "Copy of Mail Recipients\*" | FT –Autosize 

Removing Commands from the Copy of the Roles which we created

Removing Potential Commands from — Copy of Mail Recipient Creation

Remove-ManagementRoleEntry "Copy of Mail Recipient Creation\Remove-Mailbox" –Confirm:$false 
Remove-ManagementRoleEntry "Copy of Mail Recipient Creation\Remove-MailUser" –Confirm:$false 
Remove-ManagementRoleEntry "Copy of Mail Recipient Creation\Remove-MailContact" –Confirm:$false 



Removing Potential Commands from — Copy of Mail Recipients

Remove-ManagementRoleEntry "Copy of Mail Recipients\disable-Mailbox" –Confirm:$false 
Remove-ManagementRoleEntry "Copy of Mail Recipients\disable-MailUser" –Confirm:$false 
Remove-ManagementRoleEntry "Copy of Mail Recipients\disable-MailContact" –Confirm:$false 


Removing Potential Commands from — Copy of Distribution Groups

Remove-ManagementRoleEntry "Copy of Distribution Groups\Remove-Distributiongroup" –Confirm:$false 
Remove-ManagementRoleEntry "Copy of Distribution Groups\disable-Distributiongroup" –Confirm:$false 


Now we are creating a Custom Role Group

New-RoleGroup -Name "Role Group for Help Desk" –Roles “Copy of Mail Recipients","Copy of Mail Recipient Creation","Copy of Distribution Groups" 


Now am Adding a Member(Help Desk Engr)  to the Role Group

Add-RoleGroupMember "Role Group for Help Desk" -Member Helpdesk 


Refer the below link to add users it bulk :


Now Logging into the Server as “Helpdesk”

Making sure is a Domain Admin as well , So log into the server


Now you can See Console Looks Different for them


Now you can see – Disable and Remove option disappeared


Great !! Role Bases Access Control is ready for the Help Desk


Satheshwaran Manoharan
Satheshwaran Manoharanhttps://www.azure365pro.com
Award-winning Technology Leader with a wealth of experience running large teams and diversified industry exposure in cloud computing. From shipping lines to rolling stocks.In-depth expertise in driving cloud adoption strategies and modernizing systems to cloud native. Specialized in Microsoft Cloud, DevOps, and Microsoft 365 Stack and conducted numerous successful projects worldwide. Also, Acting as a Technical Advisor for various start-ups.

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  1. hello, and thank you for this post!

    I have a question, I have 2 domains in a forest, and Exchange server 2016, everything is all set and working as they should, I have also set RBAC admin roles to split two I.T. helpdesk groups access to EAC, each can modify mailboxes from one domain, I set this by defining write scope. The only issue is I can’t find info on how to setup RBAC so when helpdesk “group A” logs into EAC they can only see DomainA.com mailboxes and “Group B” can only see DomainB.com mailboxes. Right now “Group B” is able to see ALL mailboxes from DomainA.com and DomianB.com, they just can’t edit or delete mailboxes from DomainA.com.
    Any help would be appreciated.


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