34 C
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Fatal error DataValidationException has occurred public folder migration Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013


Name : PublicFolderMigration

Status : Failed
StatusDetail : FailedOther

SyncStage : CreatingFolderHierarchy
Flags : IntraOrg, Pull, Suspend, SuspendWhenReadyToComplete
RequestStyle : IntraOrg
Direction : Pull
Protect : False
Priority : Normal
Suspend : True
SourceVersion : Version 14.3 (Build 248.0)
SourceDatabase : Public Folder Database 1080091062
SourceServer : Exch2010.careexchange.in

BatchName :
OutlookAnywhereHostName :
RemoteCredentialUsername :
AuthenticationMethod : Basic
RemoteMailboxLegacyDN :
RemoteMailboxServerLegacyDN :
BadItemLimit : 0
BadItemsEncountered : 0
LargeItemLimit : 0
LargeItemsEncountered : 0
FolderToMailboxMap : {\}
QueuedTimestamp : 8/10/2015 11:40:23 AM
StartTimestamp : 8/10/2015 11:52:22 AM
LastUpdateTimestamp : 8/10/2015 11:52:26 AM
InitialSeedingCompletedTimestamp :
FinalSyncTimestamp :
CompletionTimestamp :
SuspendedTimestamp :
OverallDuration : 00:26:36
TotalFinalizationDuration :
TotalDataReplicationWaitDuration :
TotalSuspendedDuration :
TotalFailedDuration : 00:14:32
TotalQueuedDuration : 00:11:53
TotalInProgressDuration : 00:00:09
TotalStalledDueToCIDuration :
TotalStalledDueToHADuration :
TotalStalledDueToReadThrottle :
TotalStalledDueToWriteThrottle :
TotalStalledDueToReadCpu :
TotalStalledDueToWriteCpu :
TotalStalledDueToReadUnknown :
TotalStalledDueToWriteUnknown :
TotalTransientFailureDuration :
TotalIdleDuration : 00:00:05
MRSServerName :
EstimatedTransferSize : 0 B (0 bytes)
EstimatedTransferItemCount : 0
BytesTransferred : 11.73 KB (12,010 bytes)
BytesTransferredPerMinute :
ItemsTransferred : 0
PercentComplete : 10
PositionInQueue :
PreventCompletion : True
FailureCode : -2146233088
FailureType : DataValidationException
FailureSide : Target
Message :

Error: Property expression “Organizational Forms” isn’t valid. Valid values are:
Strings formed with characters from A to Z (uppercase or lowercase), digits from 0
to 9, !, #, $, %, &, ‘, *, +, -, /, =, ?, ^, _, `, {, |, } or ~. One or more
periods may be embedded in an alias, but each period should be preceded and
followed by at least one of the other characters. Unicode characters from U+00A1 to
U+00FF are also valid in an alias, but they will be mapped to a best-fit US-ASCII
string in the e-mail address, which is generated from such an alias.

FailureTimestamp : 8/10/2015 11:52:26 AM
IsValid : True
ValidationMessage :
OrganizationId :
RequestGuid : e08453d4-2d65-4fd5-8bf9-79e8ceed4ec4
RequestQueue : Mailbox Database 1800374097
ExchangeGuid : 4ac2597d-1bb0-4310-80f6-61f39aaec7f3
Identity : 5fe8bdf3-3a9c-4ec1-9e25-d0e8da0429e9\e08453d4-2d65-4fd5-8bf9-79e8ceed4ec4
DiagnosticInfo :

Report : 8/10/2015 11:40:22 AM [Exch2013] ‘careexchange.in/Users/Administrator’ created request.
8/10/2015 11:52:21 AM [Exch2013] The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication
service ‘Exch2013.careexchange.in’ (15.0.847.31 caps:03FF) is examining the request.

8/10/2015 11:52:21 AM [Exch2013] Connected to target mailbox
‘4ac2597d-1bb0-4310-80f6-61f39aaec7f3’, database ‘Mailbox Database 1800374097’,
Mailbox server ‘Exch2013.careexchange.in’ Version 15.0 (Build 847.0), proxy server
‘Exch2013.careexchange.in’ 15.0.847.31 caps:1FFFCB07FFFF.
8/10/2015 11:52:21 AM [Exch2013] Connected to source mailbox ”, database ‘Public
Folder Database 1080091062’, Mailbox server ‘Exch2010.careexchange.in’ Version 14.3 (Build 248.0).

8/10/2015 11:52:21 AM [Exch2013] Request processing started.
8/10/2015 11:52:21 AM [Exch2013] Cleared sync state for request
00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 due to ‘CleanupOrphanedMailbox’.
8/10/2015 11:52:22 AM [Exch2013] Stage: CreatingFolderHierarchy. Percent complete:
8/10/2015 11:52:22 AM [Exch2013] Initializing folder hierarchy from mailbox ”: 46
folders total.
8/10/2015 11:52:22 AM [Exch2013] Folder creation progress: 0 folders created in
mailbox ‘4ac2597d-1bb0-4310-80f6-61f39aaec7f3’.

8/10/2015 11:52:26 AM [Exch2013] Fatal error DataValidationException has occurred.
ObjectState : New


Resolution —

Verified “Organizational Forms” was not used via public folders.

Removed using Exchange 2010 Public folder management Console.

Removed public folder migration request and Re run the public folder migration request.

Note : Usually it was always empty spaces in the alias or unsupported signs in the public folders.


Then it was keep keep saying “Relinquishing job because the mailbox is locked”

Patience was the resolution keeping it for like 1 to 2 hrs . It went through and completed.

Other things you can try.

  • Restarting Replication Service on Exchange 2010 made it through.
  • Restarting Information Store and Restarting Replication Service  (Not a great idea to try on the first instance. If you have no other options you can try it out.)


8/10/2015 1:19:15 PM [Exch2013] Relinquishing job.
8/10/2015 1:19:16 PM [Exch2013] The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service
‘Exch2013.careexchange.in’ (15.0.847.31 caps:03FF) is examining the request.
8/10/2015 1:19:17 PM [Exch2013] Connected to target mailbox
‘4ac2597d-1bb0-4310-80f6-61f39aaec7f3’, database ‘Mailbox Database 1800374097’,
Mailbox server ‘Exch2013.careexchange.in’ Version 15.0 (Build 847.0), proxy server
‘Exch2013.careexchange.in’ 15.0.847.31 caps:1FFFCB07FFFF.
8/10/2015 1:19:17 PM [Exch2013] Connected to source mailbox ”, database ‘Public Folder Database 1080091062’,
Mailbox server ‘Exch2010.careexchange.in’ Version 14.3 (Build 248.0).
8/10/2015 1:19:17 PM [Exch2013] Request processing continued, stage IncrementalSync.
8/10/2015 1:19:17 PM [Exch2013] Folder hierarchy changes reported in source ”: 0
changed folders, 0 deleted folders.
8/10/2015 1:19:18 PM [Exch2013] Incremental Sync
‘4ac2597d-1bb0-4310-80f6-61f39aaec7f3’ completed: 0 hierarchy updates, 0 changed messages.
8/10/2015 1:19:18 PM [Exch2013] Stage: IncrementalSync. Percent complete: 95.
8/10/2015 1:19:18 PM [Exch2013] Final sync has started.
8/10/2015 1:19:18 PM [Exch2013] Relinquishing job because the mailbox is locked.
The job will attempt to continue again after 8/10/2015 1:24:18 PM.

Satheshwaran Manoharan
Satheshwaran Manoharanhttps://www.azure365pro.com
Award-winning Technology Leader with a wealth of experience running large teams and diversified industry exposure in cloud computing. From shipping lines to rolling stocks.In-depth expertise in driving cloud adoption strategies and modernizing systems to cloud native. Specialized in Microsoft Cloud, DevOps, and Microsoft 365 Stack and conducted numerous successful projects worldwide. Also, Acting as a Technical Advisor for various start-ups.

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