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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Build Your Own LAB: Deployment & Migration to Microsoft Office 365 Cloud – Part2

I hope you are now done with the LAB resources and setting up prerequisites to create LAB. Let us further drill down to the architecture view & configuration of the LAB to perform some test migrations.


We will do some of the below migration approach:


IMAP Migration also called Simple Data Migration.




This is basically migrating from the source messaging environment mailboxes to Office 365 using IMAP client features, for this particular lab we will create test mailbox in gmail.com and then using the trial subscription from Office 365 Cloud on the migration wizard, pull the emails items providing Csv file which contains the credential details of Gmail mailbox and corresponding email address on Office 365 tenant. Prior to start migration we will take care of the account provisioning for the respective Gmail mailbox and make sure we have added the domain on to Office 365 portal.


Let us verify the prerequisites and steps to migrate.

1. Verify the access to IMAP on the source messaging environment, try to telnet the IMAP server in my case imap.gmail.com. For some org. the telnet client features itself is not installed by default on systems or the IMAP request from LAN is restricted. Hence the objective is to verify you are able to access Gmail mailbox using IMAP protocol.




Post entering the command you would notice the result is blinking or a banner with some description mentioning the service is ready to accept connections.



2. Office 365 Tenant setup with domain configured (in my case MITPROO365.in)


3. Login to your tenant portal & add domain




Make sure you have added your domain and verified as mentioned below




4. Provision 1 user account to migrate from Gmail mailboxes – in my case I have created a mailbox and assigned a license for the selected user.




5. Make sure you have the IMAP user credential (username/pwd) and create a csv file for migration as mentioned below.




6. Let’s send and receive test email to fill up Gmail mailbox and then will verify the same is migrated in office 365 mailbox.

Login on to test Gmail mailbox





This is to fill up the mailbox and will the same is migrated to office 365 mailbox.





7. Let us now migrate using the csv file @Exchange Migration Wizard à Office 365 Portal




Click on + option, migrate to Exchange Online and select IMAP migration





8. Browse to the csv path and you will see it has read the file content and found 1 mailbox to migrate




9. Provide the source messaging server details and the protocol (IMAP) used, in my case Gmail.



10. Give some name to migration batch



You can further configure the mailbox to whom the report must be sent and whether to start the migration now or later as per your convenient – I will select now.




You can further monitor the progress as mentioned below.




Post migration completion, Login Office 365 mailbox to which the Gmail mailbox is mapped to migrate and you will see the email item migrated successfully




Since we had selected Charles Derber to send report post migration below is the report.



Hope this have been informative and stay tuned for further LAB scenario on Cutover Exchange & Hybrid (Exchange 2010) Migration.

Charles Derber
Charles Derber
Charles Derber is an IT Consultant, Volunteer & Speaker. He is Passionate about IT Technology & has an experience for a Decade in this Industry. His expertise is consulting on IT Infrastructure & Cloud, helping customers all over the world to plan, design & implement.

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