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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Cross forest Move Mailbox in Bulk – Exchange2010 to Exchange 2010

As a Initial Process Please Follow

Cross Forest Migration Guide – Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2010


Lets see how to Move Mailboxes in Bulk in Cross forest scenario

Taking the Dump is always  the same way , Whatever the version your migrating to

I have collected the my users in the same OU so that I can take the Dump easily


my OU (Organizational Unit)  Name is “SourceUsers”


I need the Distinguish name of my OU (Organizational Unit)

View->Advance Features


Right Click – Properties of your OU (Organizational Unit) – Attribute Editor

Get the Value of “Distinguished Name”

In my case its “OU=SourceUsers,DC=CareExchange,DC=in”



Open Command prompt


csvde -d “OU=SourceUsers,DC=CareExchange,DC=in” -f c:\SourceUserDump.csv -r (objectclass=user) –l mail


Now it Collected the 5 Mailboxes available

Now your Notepad will look like this


Remove the first Column – Use Excel or Use Notepad – Its up to you –

Note – First Line contains the title – Identity

Now it should look like below



To Verify Run Import-Csv “SourceUserdump.csv”



Now you can Import the CSV Pipe it to the Script as Below

Import-Csv “SourceUserdump.csv” | .\Prepare-MoveRequest.Ps1 -RemoteForestDomainController “FQDN of Source DC” -RemoteForestCredential $RemoteCredentials -LocalForestDomainController “FQDN of Target Forest DC” -LocalForestCredential $LocalCredentials -TargetMailUserOU “Distinguished name of OU in TargetForest” –UseLocalObject


If your doing for many objects , Its going to run fast and Errors won’t get saved

I would recommend to run Start-Transcript C:\MoveDump.txt

So that you have the right data in hand

To stop the Transcript – Stop-Transcript



Now you got your disable accounts Created



Now move the Users using ADMT migrating with SIDs

How to Migrate Users Across forest (Cross Forest) using ADMT 3.2 with sid and Passwords



Now accounts are activated with SID



Now Moving the mailbox using Remote Move


Import-Csv “SourceUserdump.csv” |New-MoveRequest –Remote –Remotehostname ‘sourceExchange.CareExchange.in’ -RemoteCredential $RemoteCredentials –TargetDeliverydomain ‘targetexchange.in






Now you won’t be able to logon on the new forest directly as you required to change password as first logon

To avoid that situation


How to Disable “User must change password at next logon” after cross forest move using ADMT 3.2



Great !!


you Learnt how to Move in Bulk in Cross forest Scenario



Satheshwaran Manoharan

Satheshwaran Manoharan
Satheshwaran Manoharanhttps://www.azure365pro.com
Award-winning Technology Leader with a wealth of experience running large teams and diversified industry exposure in cloud computing. From shipping lines to rolling stocks.In-depth expertise in driving cloud adoption strategies and modernizing systems to cloud native. Specialized in Microsoft Cloud, DevOps, and Microsoft 365 Stack and conducted numerous successful projects worldwide. Also, Acting as a Technical Advisor for various start-ups.

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    • Yes, The method is the Same.

      As the Source (Exchange 2007) Doesn’t recognize “Remote” move – you got to use Remote Legacy

      Import-Csv “SourceUserdump.csv” |New-MoveRequest –Remotelegacy –Remotehostname ‘sourceExchange.CareExchange.in’ -RemoteCredential $RemoteCredentials –TargetDeliverydomain ‘targetexchange.in

      Other than that. All the other steps remains the same

  1. Awesome Write up yet again!

    When running
    Import-Csv “SourceUserdump.csv” | .\Prepare-MoveRequest.Ps1 -RemoteForestDomainController “FQDN of Source DC” -RemoteForestCredential $RemoteCredentials -LocalForestDomainController “FQDN of Target Forest DC” -LocalForestCredential $LocalCredentials -TargetMailUserOU “Distinguished name of OU in TargetForest” –UseLocalObject

    I get Prepare-MoveRequest.ps1 cannot bind argument to parameter ‘Identity’ because it is an empty string.

    What am i doing wrong?

  2. Hi,

    I receive the message: “invalid parameter: input file name required” when i like te export the users.
    Can you let me know what i’m doing wrong?



  3. Hi Satheshwaran Manoharan,

    It is possible to migrate from Exchange 2010 with Windows Server 2008 R2 to Exchange 2010 with Windows Server 2012R2 ?
    Hope you reply

  4. I know this web page gives quality based posts and additional data, is there any other website
    which provides these kinds of stuff in quality?

  5. Hello,

    Thanks for this interesting post. I have an issue when migrating bulk users. i get the error “target user already has a primary mailbox”. Any idea?


  6. Hi

    in a cross forest migration scenario we are migrating from ex 2007 to ex 2013. our concern is customer wants to change logon name in target forest ex. source logon name firstname.lastname Target logon name would be his employee ID. we do not have any issue with AD account migration we are confuse what approach we should user for mailbox migration.
    how to map mailboxes to different AD ID in target environment?

  7. Hi

    in a cross forest migration scenario we are migrating from ex 2007 to ex 2013. our concern is customer wants to change logon name in target forest ex. source logon name firstname.lastname Target logon name would be his employee ID. we do not have any issue with AD account migration we are confuse what approach we should user for mailbox migration.
    how to map mailboxes to different AD ID in target environment?

  8. Hi,
    very informative post, i have a situation where i need to migrate exchange users cross forest to a server that already has user accounts. Current set-up has exchange and ad server on seperate forest. Does someone know how i can migrate the mailbox as mentioned above, disable/remove the migrated ad account and bind it to existing AD account? I know how to do it manualy but perhaps someone has a handy script for doing so?


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