Configuring SUSE Enterprise Linux for SAP Business One in this case on Microsoft Azure. Am describing a sample preparation using public IP assigned on Suse Linux. but in real-world scenarios. Either use bastion or a jump box or secured VPN to connect to the instance.
Using SUSE Enterprise Linux 15 SP4 with 24×7 Support
Create a new virtual machine and click on select from all images and search for suse from your marketplace.

Create a new virtual Machine. Choose the Image.

To Elevate
sudo su -
Install xrdp for Remote Desktop or VNC. I have covered both.
zypper install xrdp

Configured xrdp
service xrdp start chkconfig --set xrdp on systemctl start xrdp systemctl enable xrdp

Now Remote Desktop Working as expected.

After RDP enter the linux password via xrdp.

It’s working as expected

Now let’s see how to install vnc
zypper install xorg-x11-Xvnc


Configure the vncserver and set boot at startup. You may need to re-run it to set auto start.
vncserver :1

It’s working as expected. It works on 5901 – and the NSG rule has to be allowed in order to use it.

Lets install GUI Gnome
zypper -n install -t pattern x11 gnome_basic

Lets edit this file and sent default_VM=”gnome”
vi /etc/sysconfig/windowmanager
Shift i

esc and :wq to save and exit

cat to view
cat /etc/sysconfig/windowmanager

Set Graphical Target as default
ln -fs /usr/lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/


GUI is up via vnc and xrdp

To Reset root password
Reset root password sudo passwd root

Sample NSG rules allowing xrdp and vnc and ssh