This document is on, How to utilize the azure attached virtual disk on REDHAT Environment.
sudo -i
Command to determine which logical volume (LV) is mounted on the root of the file system (/)
lsblk -f

Display Volume Group Size
vgdisplay rootvg

Install the cloud-utils-growpart package to provide the growpart command, which is required to increase the size of the OS disk and the gdisk handler for GPT disk layouts This package is preinstalled on most marketplace images
yum install cloud-utils-growpart gdisk
Scan Physical Volume & Check Drives

Growpart, Select the volume SDA2.
growpart /dev/sda 2

Select Physical Volume SDA2 resize command
pvresize /dev/sda2

Volume Resize ==> rootlv
lvresize -r -L +200G /dev/mapper/rootvg-rootlv

Example for Var & User Volume
lvresize -r -L +100G /dev/mapper/rootvg-varlv
lvresize -r -L +5G /dev/mapper/rootvg-usrlv